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Easy DIY Home Improvement Projects

Being a Home Owner sure can have its perks. It’s a lot of work at times but coming home to something you worked so hard for is always so rewarding. Although being a home owner has its costly moment, there are so many easy DIY home improvement projects that you can embark on and upgrade your house for cheap! Whether it be a cosmetic makeover or simply replacing old with the new, we here at Holtzman Home Improvement know of some clever ideas that won’t break the bank!


The word remodel is often paired with destruction or construction. A remodel can be as simple as painting that everyday brown wood door a bright and inviting blue! With that, sometimes remodeling can often be referred to “upgrading” and you can upgrade anything with a little elbow grease, love and creativity.

The Bedroom

Bedrooms are a haven. Somewhere you go to relax and unwind, but that bed on the floor just is not doing your overall décor justice. Try spicing things up with a home-made headboard! The popular material of choice lately happens to be pallet board beds! Making them as simple as just two propped up as a head board, depending on the size of the bed with determine how many pallets you will need. Or getting a little more constructive and making a platform bed out of pallets! There are so many ways of creating the perfect bed frame with either the wood from the pallets or simply keeping them intact.

DIY Home Improvement Project Bedroom Painting

The Bathroom

Its been a long day and all you can think about is relaxing in a nice bubble bath but the only thing your focused on is the rust and calcium that has built up on your faucet… We all know that some love and cleaning products could most likely restore that faucet to new, but you also remembered it tends to leak.

You don’t always have to call someone to replace it or give it a little upgrade, its simple to install a new faucet yourself! We are sure, with the proper motivation as well as browsing online or in store for that flashy new faucet, you will see that it was completely worth the time and trip!

Never Dull

Paint! Paint will literally make anything, and everything look restored to new! Although, white walls tend to make a room look bigger, adding some color can really jazz up any environment! You have the option of adding an accent color to one wall to really make a room stand out, or simply add a tan or natural color for the scenes of freshness that white walls can lose over time.

Easy DIY Home Remodeling Projects to Start

Easy DIY Home Improvement projects are endless and there are so many little things you can do, or you can go above and beyond your dream expectations. Its always going to take time, money and effort to achieve whatever it is you have your heart set on, but we know that when the project is over and you see how much it shines, you’ll be wanting to improve more!

Improvement Renovation